The Maximum Capacities Label or Plate is required on powerboats less than 20 feet with the exception of inflatable boats. The information on a Capacity Plate displays the Maximum number of Persons and Maximum Weight which includes persons, engine and gear. The information on a Capacity Plate also includes the Maximum Horsepower on boats equipped with an outboard motor. What if you have no Capicity Plate or the information is not readily available? Use the formula (Length x Width) divided by 15 as an estimate and always round down. Do try to track down the original information or manuals. This should be relatively easy in this day and age. Exceeding persons, weight, and horsepower leads to capsizing or swamping of the boat. Also the Manufacturer sets the limits on a Capacity Plate with good weather in mind. You should never operate a boat near it’s capacities in any kind of bad weather. A good example would be if someone wants to go fishing and knows there will be some weather on the way out or on the way in they should be well aware of the boats capacities.
An operator should keep all passengers seated evenly throughout the boat from the front to the back and from side to side. Passengers should sit in the seats and not on the seatbacks. Moving about the boat while in transport should be limited. Be smart, be safe, and remember there are no egos when passengers lives are in your hands.
Please visit our Public Course Schedule to view all of the classes we have availabe for you. Classes are now done via Zoom. There has never been an easier way to get your Boating Certificate
Here is a great article from the Town of Branfords Government regarding boating regulations Boating Regulations | Town of Branford, CT (branford-ct.gov)