May 2, 2022

CT Boating Education FAQ’s is a hot topic. So here we go. Please visit the DEEP’s website to learn all about the most Boating Education FAQ’s.
How long is the basic boating course?
The boating course is an eight-hour course.
What are the basic boating course requirements?
You must attend all eight-hours of the course and pass the proctored exam. You must score eighty percent (80%) or higher to get a diploma. The modern boating course is both the SBC, SWE, and the CPWO. Course completion leads to a Connecticut Boating Certificate.
Let’s say I took a CT approved boating course ten years ago. However now I lost my course completion diploma, what should I do?
You will need to contact the course provider. If your course completion diploma cannot be located, you will need to retake a boating course.
I completed a boating course through the United States Power Squadron. Is that good enough to obtain my Safe Boating Certificate?
Yes, as long as the course had CT DEEP approv and you have the course completion diploma. You’ll need to present in order to purchase your Connecticut Safe Boating Certificate. The completion diploma does not have an expiration date. DEEP encourages you to take a boating course since many boating laws and regulations have changed. All of this is part of the CT Boating Education FAQ’s page at the DEEP’s website.
I own a boat with a small electric trolling motor. Must I register it? Furthermore, do I need a boating certificate to operate it?
In general, “yes” to both questions, but there are exceptions. Any vessel with any motor is considered to be a motorboat and must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)before entering Connecticut waters. Connecticut residents operating a registered boat of any kind must possess a Safe Boating Certificate. However, an exception is operating on inland bodies of water with a 10 horsepower limit. Additionally operating between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. In these circumstances, a certificate is not a requirement. Nonetheless, the boat must still be registered with the DMV.
If I live in another state, do I need a boating certificate to operate my boat on Connecticut waters?
The boating certificate was designed for residents or people who own property in the State of Connecticut. Also included is a vessel required to be registered or display a Certificate of Decal in the State of Connecticut. If you operate your vessel on Connecticut waters for more than sixty days in a calendar year, you must register. You will also need to obtain a Certificate of Decal through the DMV. Read more about CT Boating Education FAQ’s by clicking here.
Let’s say my child is twelve years old and wants to operate the family boat. Does he/she need a boating certificate?
Yes, your child needs a boating certificate to operate the vessel alone. The child must take a boating course in order to obtain a boating certificate. Persons under 16 may operate a vessel under the direct supervision of a person 18 or older. This “supervisor” must have had their Safe Boating Certificate for at least two years. Persons under 16 may also be “supervised” and do not need a certificate.
If I have been boating for 25 years. I know more than a boating course can teach me. Is there another way I can obtain a boating certificate?
Yes, you can take the DEEP Equivalency Exam. This exam is designed for the experienced boater who knows the rules and regulations for safe boating on Connecticut waters. Remember its not just about boating. The exam includes questions regarding canoes, personal watercraft, yachts, and sailboats. Of course, the exam includes all the new laws and regulations regarding Connecticut boating. As of October 1, 2008, upon passing the Equivalency Exam, you will qualify for a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation. Read more about CT Boating Education FAQ’s by visiting the site.
Let’s say I just purchased a boat. Can I get a temporary certificate? If so what do I need to do?
You will need to go to your local DEEP Processing Office with your newly DMV issued registration (the temporary certificate is issued to the person whose name is on the registration) and a photo ID. The cost of the temporary certificate is $50 and is valid three months from the date that you registered the boat with DMV. Within the three month time period, you must take a boating course and get your boating certificate. You can only obtain one temporary certificate. Read on to learn about temporary certificates.
If I have a valid U.S. Coast Guard Operating License, do I need a boating certificate to operate my boat (other than a personal watercraft)?
If you have a current master, mate, or pilot license issued through the U.S. Coast Guard, you do not need the Connecticut boating certificate to operate your boat. Firstly, you must keep the valid license with you at all times. Secondly, you cannot use the valid Coast Guard License to obtain your Connecticut boating certificate. Finally, you would have to take a boating course. You must also provide us with proof that you have taken an approved boating course. Then you can obtain a Connecticut issued boating certificate.
What type of certificate do I need to operate a personal watercraft (PWC)?
You need to have a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation. A valid Coast Guard license does not qualify you to operate a personal watercraft.
How do I get my Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation?
Successful completion of a CT DEEP approved course will result in a diploma qualifying you to purchase your Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation from the Online Sportsmen Licensing System.
If I just purchased a personal watercraft, can I get a temporary certificate?
Yes, in order to receive your temporary certificate, you must complete an approved two and one-half hour personal watercraft course and the personal watercraft must be registered in your name. Bring your newly issued DMV registration and your course completion diploma to your local DEEP Processing Office. The cost of the certificate is $50 and is valid three months from the date of vessel registration. You must successfully complete a course within the three month time period. Once completed, you’ll be able to obtain your Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation.
Can someone under 16 operate a personal watercraft with a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation?
No, the child may not operate a personal watercraft alone. The child must be accompanied on board by someone that is eighteen years of age or older. In addition, the adult must carry their Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation.
Can I operate a personal watercraft without the Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation? What if I’m from another state?
No. Every person operating a personal watercraft on Connecticut waters must have a Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation issued by Connecticut. We also accept certificates from New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts or New Hampshire.
Do I need to have a Safe Boating Certificate/Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation to register a boat?
No, the boating certificate is a requirement to operate a Connecticut registered boat. There is a line on the Vessel Registration form for the certificate number, however it does not have to be filled in.
We hope this excerpt about CT Boating FAQ’s has been super helpful.